I love your observation that it’s "time to admit we’d all love an apocalypse simply for the free murderin’ pass it would represent." It's true. It's part of the reason people horde guns. Unfortunately, some people are beginning to loose the demarcation between their fantasy and reality. Not tryin' to get into politics. Just sayin'...

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I am surprised people are surprised by his behavior, but then I remind myself not everyone played the game. It has been hinted at several times too, although I wish they showed it a bit more. There were several opportunities where they could have done that like in the game (when they meet up with his brother the first time and get attacked by outsiders, which did not happen in the show and in the university which was a whole ambush in the game).

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Yeah, I'm looking at this just as a standalone story and assuming a lot of folks aren't familiar with the source. But even so, there are a *lot* of clues about what Joel's capable of.

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Yes exactly. Maybe they were fantasizing about him too much lol.

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No surprise that I haven't seen any of 'The Last of Us', but I have a passing acquaintance with Bilbo Baggins. So, handsies or nothing?

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What about second handsies?

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