Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Somers


#3) Peach schnapps. As a lad, I was done in by the Blueberry (It's just like cough syrup!)

#7) There's a PRIZE for 'Spy Thriller Cliche Bingo'? Damn, here I am wasting my time on 'Spy vs Spy' Monopoly ©™.

#13) Hot Chick kicking ass? Where's Buffy? (Is he still on about Buffy? Shh, he's not like the other kids. Still has antenna TV. Oh, aye, explains why he still goes to the library...)

Boiling shoe leather? Who can afford leather these days?

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Somers

Also, a fun game if you haven't seen this movie yet is to identify which much better movie each scene is ripping off. I suppose the game also works if you HAVE seen this movie, but why would you bother watching it a second time?

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Somers

You have layers and you make me cry. You're an onion.

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I've been told the tears are due to my "musky" scent.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Somers

Why must the actors be so bloody gorgeous with perfect bodies and hair? Outside of Hollywood (and California beaches), where are these perfect looking everyday people? The other night I watched the 1965 b&w movie "The Spy Who Came In From The Cold." Great movie with ordinary looking people, who looked as though they did their own hair and makeup without proper lighting, which is why you can identify with them. Who can identify with Ryan Gossling or Ana Armpit?


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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Somers

P.S. I learned a new word today: cromulent.

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