If only we lived in the same latitude. Dude, you be the bomb!

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Jeff Somers

I tried reading this book a couple of weeks ago, but after a hundred pages or so, I hated Toby so much, and thought who cares about these people and their boring lives, and returned it to the library, happy I hadn't bought it. I was considering watching it, but after reading this, I doubt I'll bother. As a recently single woman, it cured me of ever even considering online dating, though. So I take the hours I spent reading it for the win.

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Jul 17Liked by Jeff Somers

I only stuck with the TV series because I liked the views of NYC and glimpse in to a wealthy lifestyle. The story becomes more rewarding when we start to see Rachel’s point of view. For me, she turned out to be perhaps the most likeable character amongst them.

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That is 100% how to view that time and effort. And Toby *is* quite hateable.

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