Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Somers

Thanks. I was hoping the holiday special was just one of my DTs.

#10) Homer had a similar idea when he linked a teleporter from the couch to the fridge.

Also, one afternoon, while in the library reading WANGP, I was approached by someone who had some serious comments to make about the title of the book. It's ok tho, we were both drinking at the time.

#13) Force Hangover Cure: Didn't Star Trek avoid the whole sloppy mess by serving "Synthahol" in Ten Forward?

Thanks once again for keeping the word "Cromulent" alive and well.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Somers

I shake my cane at all of you young whipper-snappers. I had my first date with my first wife at the premier of Star Wars. (Let’s see, how many wives ago was that?) I guess what I needed was Force Divorce, because Force Marriage worked way too well.

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I'm waiting for Force Royalties.

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