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I like Dune Part 1 but Part 2 was a complete abortion from a fan of the books (as someone whose original haunts on the early internet were in Dune boards). DV made up too many new scenes, ommitted too much, and went super cringe with Chani.

The old critique of the 1984 version hinges on the weirding machines but to this day, that movie is Dune in story and atmosphere. You can't have Dune without internal monologue. And Dune 1984 internal monologue and dialogue is ripped straight from the book. The SyFy version was Dune in complete story but lacked the atmosphere. DV's Dune, unfortunately is only Dune in the sense that it dumbed it down and rearranged it so the masses could see it. But it wasn't Dune when you got to part 2? It felt like a completely different story with part 2.

I hope DV has his version of Dune Messiah trapped in development hell, never to see the screen. Harsh but better than seeing his many changes.

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